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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Care Navigator Program?

This program is a way to improve care for people with ongoing medical conditions. Our care navigator program team uses a patient-centered approach to improve the health and well-being of participants in the program. This means that you are at the center of all we do. Your navigator focuses on coordinating care and addressing the medical, economic, environmental, psychosocial, and behavioral needs of people with chronic conditions.

What are the goals of our Care Navigator Program?

The goals of our program are to:

  • Give you personalized, team-based health care led by your Primary Care Physician
  • Improve the health and well-being of all the program participants
  • Create a program that can grow and help our community improve their health and well-being.

Why should I participate in the Program?

The Care Navigator program provides excellent patient-centered care. We work with you to meet your personal goals for your health and well-being. You are assigned a dedicated nurse navigator.

If I agree to participate, what happens next?

If you participate, you will:

  • Receive a call from your Care Navigator welcoming you to the program
  • Have a face-to-face meeting with your Care Navigator who can facilitate a discussion with your Primary Care Physician to develop a care plan that meets your personal health care goals, depending on when your next appointment is scheduled with your Primary Care Physician.

What can I expect if I participate?

You will be in frequent contact (telephone, email, face-to-face) with your Care Navigator. You will have easy access to your Care Navigator and Care Team to answer any questions or concerns. You also have continuous support to help you meet your health care goals.

How long do I participate?

Participation in the program is completely voluntary. You are able to opt out of the program at any time, but we strongly encourage participation until all goals are met.

What are my responsibilities if I participate?

You should:

  • Have a meet-and-greet, in person, with your assigned Care Navigator to talk about your health and life goals
  • Check-in regularly (at least monthly) with your assigned Care Navigator by phone, email, or face-to-face to see how things are going
  • Update your Care Navigator about any changes in your health or well-being
  • Contact your Care Navigator with any questions or concerns
  • Contact your Care Team (Primary Care Physician and Care Navigator) prior to going to the Emergency Department

Will I continue to see my current Primary Care Physician?

Yes. Your current Primary Care Physician will stay the same.

Will my health care benefits change if I participate?

No. Your health care benefits will not change if you participate in the program.

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